Meeting Registration

Registration for in-person attendance at E2i is now open! Registration is free of charge for all attendees. After you’ve registered, be sure to reserve your lodging at the meeting hotel as soon as possible!

The E2i meeting chairs are currently evaluating options for offering virtual attendance for some components of the meeting. If we are able to offer a virtual option, we will open a separate registration process for virtual attendees. We will share more information on virtual attendance through Exchange Network Email Alerts.

Important travel information

If you are from a state or territorial environmental agency and plan to request travel expense reimbursement from the Environmental Council of the States, please visit the Travel Reimbursement page for important terms and information.

Attendees from Federally recognized Tribes and/or eligible Tribal organizations can apply for travel scholarships from the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP). Please see the Travel Reimbursement page for details.

U.S. EPA employees that will be on official travel to attend E2i must include the following meeting-specific Project Code in the Site Project Box on the Line of Accounting of your travel authorization: [Code To Be Announced]. This will allow for tracking and reporting of EPA staff attendance and travel costs for E2i per Agency requirements.