
The current working draft agenda for E2i is now available! Please note that the agenda remains under active development and it will continue to evolve as we add more sessions. Topics, times, and speakers are all subject to change. We will post agenda updates on a regular basis.

The program for E2i is being cooperatively developed by representatives from state and tribal environmental agencies and U.S. EPA. The E2i meeting is chaired by:

  • Eric Cleckler
    Alabama Department of Environmental Management

  • Lydia Scheer
    Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals

  • Dwane Young
    U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Agenda at a Glance

September 17

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • Registration

  • Keynotes and Featured Presentations

  • Panel Discussions

  • Breakout Sessions

  • Lightning Talks

  • Networking

September 18

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • Keynotes and Featured Presentations

  • Lightning Talks

  • Panel Discussions

  • Workshops & Discussions

  • Networking

September 19

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Featured Presentations

  • Workshops

  • Discussions

  • Networking