Travel Reimbursement
For State and Territorial Agencies
The Environmental Council of the States (ECOS) has funding to reimburse travel expenses for up to two employees from each state and territorial environmental agency. For complete details on allowable expenses, please see below. Each state or territorial environmental agency is ultimately responsible for determining which two employees will apply for reimbursement. Prior to registration, individuals should coordinate with the appropriate managers/agency heads so that the agency can determine attendance and coordinate reimbursement requests. During the registration process, anyone registering as a state or territorial attendee will be asked to indicate an intent to request travel expense reimbursement. ECOS will be notified of the request upon registration. For more information please contact Connor MacCartney at ECOS.
For Tribal Agencies
Through funds made available by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) and the Tribal Exchange Network Group (TXG) are pleased to announce the availability of a limited number of travel scholarships that will be awarded to Tribal recipients to attend the E2i meeting.
Scholarship awards will be limited to one per Tribe and capped at $1,500.00 per traveler, to help cover eligible travel costs including airfare/mileage, lodging, and expenses for meals and incidentals. Scholarship awards will be reimbursed after the event, upon receipt of all required documentation. Scholarship recipients are encouraged to attend as many of the sessions and optional activities that are available throughout the event and will be asked to share a summary report of their experience after the event.
The scholarship funds are managed by ITEP to adhere to all policies and procedures for travel expense eligibility, cost management, and reimbursement claims set by Northern Arizona University (NAU). For details or questions, contact
To apply for a Tribal scholarship, please complete this Scholarship Request Form.
For U.S. EPA Employees
U.S. EPA employees that will be on official travel to attend E2i must include the following meeting-specific Project Code in the Site Project Box on the Line of Accounting of your travel authorization: MM66YM01. This will allow for tracking and reporting of EPA staff attendance and travel costs for E2i, per Agency requirements.
All E2i attendees must make their own travel arrangements. See the Venue page for more details on the meeting hotel and how to get there.
Allowable State Travel Expenses
To be eligible for travel expense reimbursement from ECOS, state environmental agency employees must indicate that they intend to request reimbursement during the E2i registration process. Please carefully review the ECOS Travel Policies and Guidelines for complete details on expenses that are allowable for reimbursement. Reimbursable state travel expenses include:
Air or rail transportation to the meeting in Coach Class. If your round trip airfare will exceed $600, you must request and receive written pre-approval from ECOS prior to purchase or your airfare reimbursement will be capped at $600. Contact Connor MacCartney for pre-approval.
Privately owned vehicle (POV) mileage of $0.67 per mile and tolls only when round trip mileage is 500 miles or less. Requests for reimbursement for trips that exceed 500 round trip miles must be pre-approved by ECOS. Contact Connor MacCartney for pre-approval.
Airport, train station, or hotel parking.
Ground transportation (e.g., shuttle, bus, taxi, rideshare) to and from originating airport or train station.
Ground transportation (e.g., shuttle, bus, taxi, rideshare) between the hotel and the local airport.
Lodging of $126 + tax per night for the nights of September 16, 17, and 18, 2024, only. Additional nights required to accommodate travel from outside the continental United States must be pre-approved by ECOS in advance. Contact Connor MacCartney for pre-approval.
Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) equivalent to the FY2024 GSA Federal per diem. In accordance with GSA guidance, ECOS will reimburse 75% of M&IE on the first and last days of travel.
The following expenses are not eligible for reimbursement:
Round trip air or train fare in excess of $600 without pre-approval from ECOS.
Sleeping room charges in excess of $126 + tax for three nights (e.g., room upgrades, reservations made after the cut-off date, rooms at other Kansas City-area hotels, or additional nights not pre-approved by ECOS).
Internet access fees.
Travel insurance.
Rental car in lieu of less expensive transportation and without pre-approval from ECOS.
Premium air or rail seat fees.
Early check-in fees or fees for pre-paid seat assignment.
Checked baggage fees for more than 1 checked bag.
Filing for Reimbursement
State attendees that have applied for travel reimbursement from ECOS will receive complete instructions for filing expenses via email prior to the meeting. You will need to complete an electronic expense form after the meeting using these instructions. Please plan to save and upload any receipts for authorized items over $25. You will not need to submit receipts for meals and incidentals as those will be reimbursed at the FY2024 GSA Federal per diem rate.